
What is coaching and why does it have such a big impact?

All the different coaching approaches and schools have one thing in common:  they work towards a solution- in a resource-oriented way: What is my goal and how do I best achieve it? Through active listening and powerful questions, you quickly recognize your real values and goals. With the help of changing perspectives and visualizations, you will (re)discover your personal resources to reach your goals and live your dreams. Professional coaching supports you in finding your own solutions and implementing them consistently. Accountability and clear support structures ensure the sustainable implementation of your personal growth.

Typical topics from my daily coaching business:

Career: What do I really want to do and how do I get there?
Leadership: How do I become a better leader and deal better with conflicts?
Women in leadership: How to increase my self-confidence and find my personal path/way?
Work-life balance: How can I optimally combine family and career?
Expat coaching: How do I start working abroad and how do I deal with cultural and language challenges?

How to find the right coach?

If you want to be sure that your coach has a solid education and sufficient professional experience, you should look for certification by one of the major coaching associations. The best way to find out which coach is right for you is through a non-binding initial meeting, it’s the best way to find out whether the chemistry is really right.

I am certified as a “Professional Certified Coach” by the ICF and work with a wide range of methods depending on the topic and client, including the holistic ©Co-Active approach of CTI, the Zurich Resource Model and the solution-oriented short-term coaching). I also like to go out into nature with my clients, use creative resources such as music or movement and activate body and mind, which benefits a sustainable coaching outcome.

We can work together just as well by phone or any video conference tool of your preference, physical distance does not matter.


We achieve more value through clarity when we recognize how important the so-called “soft skills” are for the turnover and results in our organizations. Clear structures, transparent processes and appreciative interaction are the cornerstones of any effective collaboration in the digital age.

Based on my certifications of Hogan, Reflector Big Five and the Executive FIRE Index, I support you also in recruiting and developing your employees. These internationally recognized assessment tools allow reliable statements about the strengths and values of your employees and offers you a solid basis for their personnel development.

I support you and your team in making your communication even clearer, even more honest, even more effective. Honesty and efficiency, trust and professionalism can complement each other in a great way! The more precisely you know what you really want and the more clearly you communicate it, the faster you will achieve it!

Current topics from my everyday consulting work:

  • New leadership cultures developed and implemented (i.e., learning and feedback culture)
  • Clear structures and transparent work flow, fast growing and internationalization of a company
  • Leadership skills for international and agile teams
  • International team development and team building

„Dorothee Kaiser accompanied us last year in the development of our new company mission statement and supported us very individually and creatively in developing our own ideas and anchoring them in our everyday business. In her consulting and moderation, she leaves room for the necessary discussions, manages time wisely and ensures results in the end.“

Steffen Kleinmanns

CEO of LivingData , Munich


I am convinced that training programs are particularly effective when they respond precisely to the needs of the participants and when they allow or experiential learning. We learn more and better when we try out new things ourselves and have fun, when we exchange ideas with others in a safe context, and when we can laugh about our mistakes.

I also like to go out into nature in my workshops; videos, pictures, music and movement play an important role. Creative work in small groups is just as much a part of my everyday training as working in a trainer tandem; co-leading the training with a colleague from my international network and represents a high added value for the participants.

Inhouse Seminars

Modern human resource strategy and team development need appropriate training. Agile and virtual teams in particular need specially tailored training that suits them in terms of content, method and people. My clients’ most burning issues revolve around clarity and communication, trust and understanding, such as:

  • Showing a clear edge and setting boundaries; having difficult conversations.
  • Establishing an honest and trustful feedback culture
  • Intercultural competence for international teams
  • Leading diversity of any type
  • Women in leadership: More clarity and power in my role as a leader

“Dorothee, your workshop about cultural diversity in Academia has been inspiring! I hope I will have more chance to interact with you in the future.

Max Planck Academy, Berlin 02/2020

Yu-Xuan Lu

Postdoctoral Researcher at MPI for Biology of Ageing, Co-Founder & Spokesperson of Max Planck PostdocNet

Open Workshops

In my open workshops, I offer topics on personal and team building for all those who want to develop personally or professionally:

  • Strengthening individual resonance of voice and (body) language.
  • Decision making: What do I really want to achieve and how can I communicate that clearly?
  • Leading yourself and others in a healthy way: Resilience, time and self-management
  • Intercultural competence for voluntary work and everyday life: working and living together with people from other cultures

Juni 2024

Leadership Training, GIZ Bogotá

April 2024

Teamdynamik, GIZ Senegal

April 2024

Konfliktmanagement, GIZ Senegal

April 2024

Leadership Training, GIZ Senegal

April 2023

Leadership Training, GIZ Bogotá

März 2023

„GIZ-Teambuildung” – Senegal

November 2022

Leadership-Training, GIZ

Januar 2021

“Play your Bigger Game” – Banco de Finanzas, Nicaragua

Dezember 2020

“Play your Bigger Game” – DRK Villingen-Schwenningen

September 2020 Afrika

Virtuelles Leadership-Training, GIZ (frankophones Afrika)

ESB Business School Reutlingen, Generation Z

Januar 2020 Reutlingen

Interkulturelles Management, ESB Business School Reutlingen

September 2019 Bogotá

Female Leadership Training, GIZ

Januar 2019 Reutlingen

Interkulturelles Management, ESB Business School Reutlingen

Juli 2018 Bogotá

„Empowering Women for Leadership“, GIZ

März 2018 Barcelona

„Joyful Connection in Nature“, CTI Leadership with Andreu Gusi

Keynotes and Moderation

Are you planning a major event, a convention, a trade fair or a conference where you need a humorous keynote? Are you looking for a multilingual and internationally experienced speaker or moderator for a keynote or for moderating a panel discussion?

Popular topics: International cooperation, international blunders, breakdowns and failures in communication, …

I want to enter into dialogue with my audience and laugh with them; I want it to be fun to learn new things. I also like to moderate discussions, on the podium, as a “fishbowl” or otherwise. I want to create a trusting framework for open conversations in which we can speak clearly and appreciatively even about difficult and controversial topics.

“I had the opportunity to follow your lecture on intercultural competences in town twinning as part of an EU project of the city of Pforzheim. Clarity and contextualization with interactive exercises helped me a lot as a practitioner to translate my experiences into the right definitions. At the same time, some situations taught me how to better prepare my work. Many thanks!”

Bernd Faas

Career Coach and Co-Founder of "Eurocultura", Vicenza, Italy

Auswahl bisheriger Vorträge und Moderationen:

Understanding differences as chance – Intercultural and gender diversity competence for international teams”, University of Tübingen (Faculty of Geoscience)

“Play your Bigger Game – Discover a playful and powerful coaching tool”, ICF Coachingtag

„Interkulturelle Kompetenz im Arbeitsalltag“ – Projekt Städtepartnerschaften „Engagiert für Europa“, Stadtverwaltung Pforzheim (online-Vortrag)

„Führen auf Distanz – Chancen und Herausforderungen im Home-Office“ – Didaktische Jahrestagung der DRK-Landesschulen Baden-Württemberg (online-Vortrag)

„Was ist Coaching und wem nutzt es?“ (VHS Rottenburg)

„Entscheidungsfindung zwischen Herz und Verstand“ (VHS Rottenburg)

„Pitfalls auf dem internationalen Parkett“ (Immobilienmesse München Real Estate, BASF)

„Arbeiten in internationalen Teams“ (Rotary-Club Tübingen und Inner Wheel Reutlingen)

„Interkulturelle Kompetenz für internationale Teams“ (Europäischer Betriebsrat, BASF, mit Simultan-Übersetzung)

„Arbeiten in internationalen Teams“ (Rotary-Club Tübingen und Inner Wheel Reutlingen)

„Was bedeutet Willkommenskultur?“ (Eröffnung des Welcome Center, IHK Pforzheim)

Please contact me for a complimentary no-obligation conversation!

Dr. Dorothee Kaiser

DK Coaching

Kalkweiler Steige 13
72108 Rottenburg a.N.

Tel. +49-7472-280629

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Dr. Dorothee Kaiser 

DK Coaching 

Kalkweiler Steige 13
72108 Rottenburg a.N.

Tel. +49-7472-280629


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