dk coaching

adding value through clarity

dk coaching

“adding value through clarity”


Leadership and team development in agile and international contexts

dk coaching

– Individual leadership coaching

– International team coaching and development


 Transparent Communication and efficient processes
 Innovating leadership culture / Facilitating transformation


 Tailormade inhouse seminars: Diversity, Communication …
 Open workshops: Intercultural Competence, Decision Making …


 Keynotes in German,English, Spanish and French
 Facilitation and Moderation of round tables and workshops

dk coaching

– Individual leadership coaching
– International team coaching and development


 Transparent Communication und efficient processes
 Innovating leadership culture / Facilitating transformation


 Tailormade inhouse seminars: Diversity, Communication …
 Open workshops: Intercultural Competence, Decision Making …


 Keynotes in German,English, Spanish and French
 Facilitation and Moderation of round tables and workshops

Are you looking for more clarity and energy in times of change and challenges? Do you want to reach your goals more effectively and even playfully? Does your team need more transparency in roles and processes, does your company need clearer structures? Would you like to live more your best self, trusting others and without pretending being someone else? These are precisely the questions that move me and my clients.

„Think big, act small, start NOW!“

Dorothee Kaiser (PhD)

As a certified coach, I have been working in team and individual development in agile and international organizations for more than 10 years. I support my clients in German, English, Spanish and French, helping them approach new challenges with an open mind and implementing changes in everyday life.

I love communicating with people from a variety of backgrounds and I make it easier for my clients to also see the joys and benefits of this.

Together, we playfully overcome differences between cultures, generations, genders and industries and experience this diversity as a rich resource

My clients are as diverse as my topics:
I support young professionals in science as well as managers in the automotive and chemical industries, agile teams in the IT sector, decision-makers and teams in hospitals, universities and other large organisations such as the GIZ, Max-Planck Research Institute and the German Red Cross. My clients want to improve how their teams communicate and make their companies even better places to work That is why I am happy to be able to support these committed and open-minded clients.



Fundamental belief:


in which I facilitate and coach

where I have Delivered workshops and keynotes

Clarity IS pobbible across languges and cultures

for which I currently work

Languages in which I facilitate and coach

Countries where I have Delivered workshops and keynotes

Fundamental belief: Clarity IS pobbible across languges and cultures

Universities for which I currently work

Cooperation partners

I work with a large network of international colleagues from prominent partners such as: Leadership Choicebettercoach; and KONU.  Based on similar values, we all serve our clients who are pursuing self-growth and new leadership cultures.


“Coaching was a wholly new and entirely positive experience for me. Dr. Kaiser’s coaching methodology focused not on analyzing the roots of my behavior, but on how to move forward. Always asking the right questions, she was able to elicit metaphors for my approaches to tasks and goals. Picking up on these images, she always managed to reframe my perceptions of achievement from something dauntingly fearsome to something clearly fun and manageable. At the end of the coaching I was not simply left behind with an understanding of my challenges. Rather, I was outfitted with several useful tools with which to productively engage with these and coming issues.”

E. Hollister Mathis-Masury

Tänzerin und Inhaberin von InzTanz - Internationales Zentrum für Tanz

“I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Dorothee during my last Intercultural Training as one of my relocation activities here in Germany. From the very first moment, Dorothee impressed me with her ability to be articulate about difficult concepts, her sensitivity, talent and empathy and her passion for coaching me as a professional and person also. I became a better version of myself after our meeting and she encouraged me with all her warm support to follow my own track and keep growing, leaving apart some of my old fears.”

Ester Torres

BASF Münster, 22.09.2017

“I really want to thank you. Coaching with you was perhaps one of the best decisions of my life. You helped me see things I never did before. I hope you work with many more coachees for many more years and help them grow into a better version of themselves.”

Dr. Sreetama Bhadra - März 2024

iDiv Postdoctoral Researcher | Evolution and Adaptation Group, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

Das Coaching mit Dorothee Kaiser hat mich in meiner ersten Anstellung als Führungskraft persönlich und fachlich weiterentwickelt. Ich konnte zusätzliche Wege, mich selbst (kritisch) zu reflektieren lernen und Sicherheit in meinem täglichen Handeln gewinnen. Gleichzeitig wurde mir bewusst, dass ich als Führungskraft nicht nur gegenüber meinen Mitarbeiter:innen und dem Arbeitgeber eine Fürsorgepflicht und Verantwortung habe, sondern diesbezüglich auch für mich selbst einstehen muss, um langfristig eine gute Führungskraft zu sein. Dorothee Kaiser versteht es, mir immer wieder passende Methoden an die Hand zu geben, mit denen ich dieses Wissen auch praktisch umsetzten kann. An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich herzlich für die Unterstützung bedanken und freue mich auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit!“

Verena Ullwer M. A. - März 2023

DRK Landesschule Bad Säckingen, Schulleiterin


adidas – artcodix – BASF – BMW Group – Bosch – Continental – Deutsche Bahn – Deutsches Rotes Kreuz – EDEKA – ESB Business School Reutlingen – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – Hochschule Nürtingen – Hochschule Reutlingen – IHK Nagold – Linde – LivingData – Max-Planck-Gesellschaft – Volkswagen – Universitätsklinikum Tübingen – Universität Freiburg – Universität Leipzig – Universität Tübingen

Please contact me for a complimentary no-obligation conversation!

Dr. Dorothee Kaiser

DK Coaching

Kalkweiler Steige 13
72108 Rottenburg a.N.

Tel. +49-7472-280629

3 + 8 =


Dr. Dorothee Kaiser 

DK Coaching 

Kalkweiler Steige 13
72108 Rottenburg a.N.

Tel. +49-7472-280629


10 + 4 =