Mein internationales Netzwerk

Als freiberuflicher Coach kann es passieren, dass man manchmal recht allein unterwegs ist. Ich bin jedoch ein Teamplayer und dankbar, dass ich in Deutschland und in der Welt sehr gut vernetzt bin. Gerne und häufig arbeite ich mit meinen kompetenten und erfahrenen Kollegen zusammen; wir ergänzen uns inhaltlich, leben dieselben Werte und verfolgen sehr ähnliche Ziele:
Vertrauen und Ehrlichkeit, Menschlichkeit und Professionalität im Dienst unserer Kunden. Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl meiner Kollegen, mit denen ich gemeinsam Workshops gestalte und mich regelmäßig austausche und weiterbilde.

Meine Kooperationspartner

Mit den Firmen Leadership Choices und KONU arbeite ich in einem großen interdsizplinären Netzwerk mit internationalen Kollegen gemeinsam für unsere Kunden, die sich auf den Weg zu einer neuen Führungskultur machen.

Meine Kollegen

Leadership Choices, Summit Wiesbaden September 2024


leaders@work – Beratung für Führung und Vertrieb

leaders@work berät und begleitet Organisationen, Teams und Einzelpersonen in den Feldern Führung und Vertrieb. Das Kernteam besteht aus Gabriele Hoffmann, Dr. Mathias Kotowski, Friederike Schüle und Verena Böttger.

Sie unterstützen in der Organisationsentwicklung, bei der strategischen Führungs- und Vertriebsentwicklung und Personalentwicklung in der (zwischen-) menschlichen Arbeitswelt in allen Branchen und Größenordnungen. Wir arbeiten mit leaders@work zusammen, wenn wesentliche Entwicklungen in Unternehmen oder Organisationseinheiten anstehen und nachhaltig an Verhalten und Einstellung gearbeitet werden soll.

Die große Stärke von leaders@work ist eine unideologische, flexible, kompetente Begleitung, die zielorientiert auf den Punkt, effektiv und effizient ist.

Dr. Regina Vogel (Dublin/Bernin)

Disruptive Design Thinker, Leadership Coach, Innovation guide

Regina is a disruptive design thinker, energized by coaching individuals, teams, and organizations through the process of unleashing their creative potential. She is an expert in enhancing the capacity for innovation in creating products and services that customers love. This work starts with discovering who they want to be as leaders in their life and work, and what they are truly passionate about. Co-creating small experiments with her clients, Regina supports them in developing their unique leadership style by exploring what is possible and generating feedback from those they lead.

Connor McDonough (Dublin)

Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Change Catalyst

Is a seasoned Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Change Catalyst. He believes leadership starts within, is grounded in a strong vision and embedded in strong relationships. Connor empowers leaders to step into their purpose and values, to uncover their limiting beliefs, and to make choices which serve their vision. His focus is working with leaders and teams to enable them to become more conscious of what they are creating every day and to take fuller responsibility for their impact.

Alexandra Vanheule (Luxemburg)

Leadership Coach, Resilience and Team Performance expert 

Alexandra is an experienced Leadership trainer and coach. She deeply believes self-leadership is the foundation for efficient leadership and supports leader in connecting to their three leadership intelligences (head, heart and gut) to better navigate an ever-changing environment. She is specialized in Leadership, Resilience and Team Performance, with a specific passion for female leadership. Her approach integrates insights in neuroscience, mindfulness, adult learning and embodiment for a sustained impact on leaders, teams and organizations.

Thomas Imfeld (Trier/USA)

Thomas Imfeld is a seasoned business developer and manager passionately using intercultural insights, tools and understanding to assist clients in his capacities as consultant, coach and trainer. Thomas, a native New Yorker with US and Swiss nationalities, has been living and working in Europe since 1997 providing value-added b2b links between the worlds of multinationals and SMEs.  Thomas is associate partner of Hofstede Insights and managing director of bullseye international GmbH, based in Trier, Germany.

Und das sagen meine Kollegen über mich

“Dorothee is a crystal-clear expression of what a balanced woman is. She has got the perfect balance of playfulness while being grounded. She has got the energy and presence of a centered professor together with a crazy dancer.

She is able to name things as they are, raw and clear without unnecessary preambles. When Dorothee is in a room, what is in the space will be named organically without hesitation. For some, that would take courage at some situations, but for her is just effortless. She is strong at turning what is sophisticated into tangible. She is also mindful of the needs of her environment and factors in the needs of others.

When Dorothee is in a room, she gives us permission to enjoy life who and where we are. So as her life purpose claims, Dorothee is the bridge between what could seem opposed poles. And connects what for many others would seem far away from being connected.”


13.11.2018, Gizem Yagiz (Türkei) und Albert Saurí (Spanien), Kollegen aus dem CTI Leadership Programm

Ich freue mich, von Ihnen zu hören!

Dr. Dorothee Kaiser

DK Coaching

Kalkweiler Steige 13
72108 Rottenburg a.N.

Tel. +49-7472-280629

15 + 5 =


Dr. Dorothee Kaiser 

DK Coaching 

Kalkweiler Steige 13
72108 Rottenburg a.N.

Tel. +49-7472-280629


3 + 15 =